A Kiss to Build a Dream On
Words & Music by Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby & Oscar Hammerstein II, 1935
Recorded by Louis Armstrong, 1951
First used in the movie "The Strip," also in "Sleepless In Seattle
Give me a kiss to build a dream on,
Edim Cdim G7 Gdim G
And my im - ag - i - na - tion will thrive upon that kiss;
Gdim G
Sweetheart, I ask no more than this,
Dm7 G7 C
A kiss to build a dream on.
Give me a kiss before you leave me,
Edim Cdim G7 Gdim G
And my im - ag - i - na - tion will feed my hungry heart
Gdim G
Leave me one thing before we part
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/l/louis_armstrong/a_kiss_to_build_a_dream_on_crd_ver_2.html ]
Dm7 G7 C Fdim C
A kiss to build a dream on.
Am Fm7 Bb7 EbM7 Eb6
When I'm alone with my fancies
Fm7 Bb7 EbM7 Eb6
I'll be with you
Dm7-5 G7 Cm Cm7
Weav - ing romances,
Am7 D7 Dm7 G7
Making believe they are true.
Give me your lips for just a moment,
Edim Cdim G7 Gdim G
And my im - ag - i - na - tion will make that moment live
Gdim G
Give me what you alone can give
Dm7 G7 C Fdim(III) Fdim C G Cm7
A kiss to build a dream on.