Love Equals Death - Bombs Over Brooklyn Chords & Tabs


Bombs Over Brooklyn Chords & Tabs

Love Equals Death Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Tab

Bombs Over Brooklyn Tab

Bombs Over Brooklyn by Love = Death

Intro/Verse 1:


Verse 2:
[ Tab from: ]


Sorry, couldn't work out the solo.

thats basically the gist of it. Just finish on:

|--0-0----------| and just let that last chord fade.

Intro/Verse 1                x12
Pre-Chorus                   x1
Verse 2                      x1
Pre-Chorus                   x1
Chorus                       x1
Intro/Verse 1                x4
Verse 2                      x1
Pre-Chorus                   x1
Chorus                       x1
Breakdown                    x1
Verse (Underneath solo)      x1
Pre-Chorus (Underneath solo) x1
Chorus (Just bass)           x1
Chorus                       x1

That's it. I couldn't find a tab for this brilliant song anywhere so I submitted my own. 
think it's mostly accurate, but I'm not too sure about the second part of the 
It's based around the same notes though.
This is one of my first tabs, so be gentle.
Good song though...
If you have any questions, e-mail or add me on msn:
How to play Bombs Over Brooklyn