Lovehatehero - She Puts The Ho In Homewrecker Chords & Tabs


She Puts The Ho In Homewrecker Chords & Tabs

Lovehatehero Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

She Puts The Ho In Homewrecker Tab

She Puts The Ho In Homewrecker
White Lies

ok. there arent any tabs for this song yet. so i figured out as much as i could of it. so here you go. enjoy.

. palm mute
/\ slides
h hammer on
p pull off
b bend
x dead string
~ let ring
^ pinch harmonic

|--------------| intro
  . . .

                                                     . .



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                                    . . .
                  .....            . .  .

                    ....                       ....


[ Tab from: ]

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|---------------------------15---17---------18----22--|this part is played
|-----------------------------------------------------|in the back

these next parts are just the chorus slowed down








|-8(16x)--10(16x)--| solo coming soon!

if you see ANY mistakes or whatever, please tell me somehow.

ill try to have more up later.

please rate and comment!

How to play She Puts The Ho In Homewrecker