The E5 chords in this don't have to be played fully, I recommend just setting
ourself up for the G5 but take you index finger off to leave the open E string
and just play that.
Main Riff
[ Tab from: ]
repeat both of those for the chorus then back to the main riff.
I went down to the beach and saw Kiki and she was all like urgh,
and I'm like, whatever
Then this chick comes up to me and she's all like, hey aren't you that dude,
and I'm like yeah whatever
So later I'm at the pool hall and this girl comes up and she's all like,
aaaah, and I'm like yeah whatever
Cos this is my united states of whatever
And this is my united states of whatever
And this is my united states of whatever
And then it's 3am, I'm on the corner wearing my leather, this dude comes
up and's like hey punk, and I'm like, yeah whatever
Then I'm throwing dice in the alley, officer Leroy comes up and he's like,
hey I thought I told you, and I'm like yeah whatever
Then up comes Sifl and I'm like yo Sifl, what's up, he's like dude,
I'm like that's cool
Cos this is my united states of whatever
And this is my united states of whatever