Machine Head - Be Still And Know Chords & Tabs


Be Still And Know Chords & Tabs

Machine Head Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Bass Tab

Be Still And Know Bass Tab

Band:   Machine Head
Song:   Be Still And Know
Album:  Unto The Locust (2011)
Tuning: C# Standard (C#, F#, B, E) tuned 40 cents sharper

Same as the 'I Am Hell' tab this is exactly the same layout as Slipknot836's
tab. hes my friend, he is okay with me using is tab layout and editing it to
transcribe the bass version ;)

Alrighty, please rate ;)

Tabbing Legend
Hammer on:          h
Pull off:           p
Slide up:           /
Slide down:         \
Slight bend:        sb





Verse 1
Both guitars





Verse 2
Both guitars





Chorus 1



Repeat Verse 1

Repeat Verse 2

Repeat Chorus 1

Repeat Intro


Solo 1


Solo 2


Harmonised Solo
[ Tab from: ]













Verse 3





Repeat Verse 1

Repeat Verse 2


Chorus 2





How to play Be Still And Know