Machine Head - Blood Of The Zodiac Chords & Tabs


Blood Of The Zodiac Chords & Tabs

Machine Head Chords & Tabs

Version: 4 Type: Tab

Blood Of The Zodiac Tab

 The More Things Change.... 
[ Tab from: ]
Tuning: D,G,C,F,A,D
  Riff A:
  Riff B:           Riff C:
  Riff D:
  Riff E:
  Riff F:         (1/4)
            1,2,3        4
  Riff G:   -----   ----------
              1,2,3          4
  Riff H:    --------   -----------
  Riff I:
                                            1,2,3          4
  Riff J:                                 ----------   ----------
                                            1,2,3          4
  Riff K:                                 ----------   ----------
  Riff L:
  Riff M:
 Song Order:
 Intro: -Riff A x8   Alone
 	 -Riff A x8  (1st Guitar)     -Riff B x8 (2nd Guitar)
 	 -Riff A x4  (1st Guitar)     -Riff C x4 (2nd Guitar)
 	 -Riff D x2  Both Guitars
 	 -Riff E x1
 First Verse: -Riff F x8 (1st Guitar)    -Riff G x2 (2nd Guitar)
 		 -Riff H x2 Both Guitars
 Pre-Chorus: -Riff I x4 Both Guitars
 Chorus: -Riff D x2 Both Guitars
 	  -Riff E x1
 Second Verse: -Riff F x8 (1st Guitar)   -Riff G x2 (2nd Guitar)
 		  -Riff H x2 Both Guitars
 Pre-Chorus: -Riff I x4 Both Guitars
 Chorus: -Riff D x2 Both Guitars
 	  -Riff E x1
 Lead (Logan): -Riff J x1
 Lead (Robb): -Riff K x1
 		 -Riff L x4
 Interlude: -Riff L x4  Robb mumbling
 	     -Riff L x4 (1st Guitar) -Riff M: x4 (2nd Guitar)
 Outro: -Riff D x4
How to play Blood Of The Zodiac