Michelle Branch - All You Ever Wanted Chords & Tabs


All You Ever Wanted Chords & Tabs

Michelle Branch Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

All You Ever Wanted Chords

= Michelle Branch - All you ever wanted =      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   
=             Tabbed By                 =      ~ Tuning: Standard ~
=                Navi                   =      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* Intro * 

       Em           C            G            D          
e ||---------3------------2-------------------------0--------||
B ||------------3------------3---------3---------------3-----||
G ||------0------------0-------------0-----0------0----------|| (x2)
D ||---2------------0----------------------------------------||
A ||-----------------------------3---------------------------||
E ||------------------------------------------3--------------||

* Verse:1 *

	Em   C   G     D         Em  C    G    D  
	I wanted to be like you. I wanted everything.
	Em C       G     D        Em   C     G     D
	So I tried to be like you, And I got swept away.
	Em       C         G           D        
	I didn't know that you were so cold and,
	Em         C          G            D
	You needed someone to show you the way.
	Em             C        G          D    
	So I took your hand and we figured out 
	Em         C          G            D
	that when the time came I'd take you away.

* Interlude *

e ||-----------0-------3--2------||
B ||--------------3----3--3--3---||
G ||--0------0---------------2---||
D ||-----------------------------||
A ||-----------------------------||
E ||-----2-----------------------||

[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/m/michelle_branch/all_you_ever_wanted_crd.html ]
* Chorus *          (Harder version in Brackets)                   
        (Em     C      G      D)
	 Em             C
	 If you want to I can save you.
        (Em    C        G         D)
	 G                D 
         I can take you away from here.
	(Em        C       G        D)
         Em                C
	 So lonely inside, So busy out there.
	(Em          C              G        D)
         G                          D
	 And all you wanted was somebody who cares.

* Verse:2 *

	Em          C      G         D
	I'm sinking slowly, so hurry hold me.
	Em           C             G               D
	Your hand is all I have to keep me hanging on.
	Em             C       G        D        
	Please can you tell me so I can finally see,
	Em        C              G D  
	Where you go when you're gone.

* Interlude *

* Chorus *

* Bridge *

C          D                       C             D
   All you wanted was somebody who cares, if you need me

                 C     Emadd13b   Am11  G2   Dadd11   D
You know I'll be there                                   yeah

* Chorus *

* Outro *
       Em             C       G        D
       Please can you tell me so I can finally see 
             (Play Riff 3 here)
       Em           C              G
       Where you    go when you're gone.

       Em           C            G                    
E ||---------3------------2-------------------||
B ||------------3------------3---------3------||
G ||------0------------0-------------0-----0--|| (Riff 3)
D ||---2------------0-------------------------||
A ||-----------------------------3------------||
E ||------------------------------------------||

~~~~~~~                                   ~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
~ Key ~                                   ~ Chords ~   ~ 0: Play clean ~
~~~~~~~                                   ~~~~~~~~~~   ~ X: Don't play ~        
x      Scratch                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   
:      Let ring                              -654321-    
/      Slide                        Em        022000
b      Bend        		    D         XX0232
br     Bend and release             C         X32010   
h      Hammer                       G         320033 
p      Pick                         Emadd13b  x20010
pl_s   Pleck scratch                Am11      x00010
[_]    Palm mute                    G2        300010
...    Let ring                     Dadd11    200010
*      Strum down
^      Strum up
()     Tips & Hints

One of my favourites. It rocks all the way!
E-mail me at navibound@hotmail.com
How to play All You Ever Wanted