Open D Tuning: DADF#AD
Capo 2
===VERSE 1===
(You can keep doing the slides and pull offs if you like,
but I stop notating them.)
Your eyes they
tie... Me down so
hard... I'll never learn to put up a guard
So keep my
love... My candle
bright... Learn me hard, oh learn me right
This ain't no
sham... I am what I
===VERSE 2===
Though I may
speak... Some tongue of
old... Or even spit out some holy word
I have no
strength... With which to
speak... WHen you sit me down and see I'm weak
We will
run and scream... You will
dance with me... We'll ful-
fill our dreams, and we'll be free
And we'll
be who we are... And they'll
heal our scars... Sadness
[ Tab from: ]
will be far away...
===VERSE 3===
(This part is just strummed chords, but I'm only giving you the changes.
For most of the song the bottom string is muted, but it could also be
played open for a deeper or fuller sound.)
So as we
walked through fields of green, 'twas the fairest sun I'd ever seen And I was
broke... I was on my knees... But you said yes as I said please... This ain't no
sham... I am what I am... I leave no
ties... For a cynic's mind... We will
run and scream. You will dance with me... We'll ful-
dil our dreams and we'll be free... And we'll
be who we are, and they'll heal our scars...
Sadness will be far away... Do not
let my fickle flesh go to waste... As it
keeps my heart and soul in its place... And I will
love with urgency but not with haste...
In my own performance of this song there a couple of big changes I make to what Marcus is
actually playing. Some of it is just a change in the picking patterns, others make small
changes to the chordal progression of the song.
While those don't exactly fit with the band, I like the changes and thought I would leave
it at the end of this tab for any interested.
When I play this I like to add a few embellishing chords to the chorus. Instead of just:
I like to add the Bm chord, and use different voicings:
I also like to modify the outro, again with some extra chords:
let my fickle flesh go to waste... As it
keeps my heart and soul in its place... And I will
love with urgency but not with haste...