Nasum - Relics Chords & Tabs


Relics Chords & Tabs

Nasum Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Relics Tab

                                        play this song as fast as humanly
|021021021021020-----------------| x2

|-------------------------------| x2


Riff 2
|0-|01010-0-01010-0-01010------8880-01010-0-01010-0-01010------88-|--| x2

Riff 3
|---(x2)--------------------------------------------|-(end 1)|

|-(end 2)--------|

[ Tab from: ]
Riff 2
|0-|01010-0-01010-0-01010------8880-01010-0-01010-0-01010------88-|--| x2

Riff 3
|---------------------------------------------------|-(end 1)|

|-(end 2)--------|

Riff 4
|11111111111111---000000000000000011111111111111110000000000000000| x2

play Riff4 2 more times but without palm mute

Riff 3
|---(x3)--------------------------------------------|-(end 1)|

|-(end 2 and  3)-|

if youre fingers arnt' bleading by the end of this song your doing
it wrong and dieseve to be shot in da head
How to play Relics