Nebula - Fever Frey Chords & Tabs


Fever Frey Chords & Tabs

Nebula Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Fever Frey Tab

Song-Fever Frey
Tabbed by Patty McFish
Tuning-All strings tuned down a full step (two frets). 
eg.  (DGCFAD)

|------------------|             Repeat this 4 times, it is played quickly

Verse Riff

[ Tab from: ]
Chorus (play the riff below twice, then the riff below it once)
“Fever frey………..he’s got the fever frey…..”

(on third time, play this)
 “ Fever Frey…………………………                       ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba”

After chorus riff

Just listen to the song for the right rhythm, the song can be heard on the record
label’s website. I bet we all can't wait for the album to be released!!
If you have any question comments or whatever, feel free to email me on
How to play Fever Frey