Neil Young - Around The World Chords & Tabs


Around The World Chords & Tabs

Neil Young Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Around The World Chords

Around the World - Neil Young
typed by Steve Vetter
(thanks to Stephen House for the book)

E5          022x00
C#m         x46654
C5          x355xx
B5/C        x344xx
C#m/B       x2x120
B5          x244xx
C#m/A       x0212x
B5/A        x044xx
Emaj7       xx2444
E6          022120
Am7/E       xx2213
Fmaj9       1x2213
E5addA      0222xx


Boy and girl fall in love
dreamin under stars above
meanwhile push comes to shove
 D     A   E
around the world

leaders fall leaders rise
terror wears a thin disguise
not much room for compromise
 D     A   E
around the world
around the world

surfers from seven seas
sharing with the submarines
experts count war machines
 D     A   E        E5
around the world

people sweat in planted fields 
students study what is real
someone builds a laser shield
 D     A   E
around the world
around the world
[ Tab from: ]
C#m             C5 B5/C C#m5  C#m/B         C#5/B  B5  C#5/B  
fashion change                style change
C#m/A           B5/A  C#m/A   Am7           Emaj7        E6
fashion change                style change         ooh   ooh
Em7            Am7/E          Fmaj9         E5addA     E5
fashion change                style change

C#m             C5 B5/C C#m5  C#m/B         C#5/B  B5  C#5/B  
hey! what's that you got on?     you're sure looking good tonight
C#m/A           B5/A  C#m/A       Am7          
where'd you pick that up anyway?  wow! you're looking beautiful!
    Emaj7        E6
hey! you are somethin' else tonight
Em7         Am7/E          Fmaj9        E5addA                E5
    so skin tight...       wooh,   yeah come on, lets go out!
why do we have to hate
why do we incinerate
why don't we illuminate
 D     A   E
around the world
around the world
D              A
why don't we illuminate
why don't we illuminate
 D     A   E
around the world

Note: The last two, why don't we illuminate are supposed to be sung with
      "around the world" along with them.  It was hard to indicate in the
How to play Around The World