Noah And The Whale - 2 Atoms In A Molecule Chords & Tabs


2 Atoms In A Molecule Chords & Tabs

Noah And The Whale Chords & Tabs

Version: 4 Type: Tab

2 Atoms In A Molecule Tab

Capo: 4th fret

x=Soften your grip on the string to make it stop vibrating

You have to time it youself. 
[ Tab from: ]
E: |---------------------------------------------|
B: |---------------------------------------------|
G: |---------------------------------------------|
D: |----5---5-2p0--3--3p2----3-------------------|
A: |-3---------------------0---3p0---3-3------3x-|
E: |--------------------------------3-----3p5----|

Then start right over again

I think it's almost perfect.
How to play 2 Atoms In A Molecule