Officer Roseland - Cracked Harmonies Chords & Tabs


Cracked Harmonies Chords & Tabs

Officer Roseland Chords & Tabs

Version: 3 Type: Tab

Cracked Harmonies Tab

Cracked Harmonies

This is the lead guitar, solo isnt exactly like CD, changes everytime i play it live 
but heres the jist of it. Listen to the cd for the timings ---OR +_+_+_ download the whole Stimulus 
album for free



           2or 3 times    2 or 3 times


  1 2 3   +     4  1 2 3    4     few times 1 +
|---------------------------------------------------|    X3

  1 2 3   +     4  1 2 3    4     few times 1 + *then play a few times till
[ Tab from: ]
   1+ A=rest   slide 1 beat   1+ A      slide 1 beat
|------5---------3-------------3-----------3----|   Then Repeats

   1+ 2+ 3+   4+ (quick rest)
B|----3---3---3---3------4X then end on----------3------|
G|--------------------------------------------------5B--|(7)  HOLD



|--3-p0---5-p0- X2-------------------|

                                 Chuck berry thing



                                            while bending
                                                           trem pick
