Panic At The Disco - Pas De Cheval Chords & Tabs


Pas De Cheval Chords & Tabs

Panic At The Disco Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Tab

Pas De Cheval Tab


Verse chords: (oh, little did she know)

You can play the first E chord open or at the 7th fret, i find using the bar chord a lot 
to transition.

  E       EII    B    A

so it goes:
E                  B                    A
Oh, little did she know, couldnt let me go
          EII         (fill)
already a part of her.

the Verse fill goes like this, pretty quick.

Just repeat that including the fill for the entire verse.

heres the Pre Chorus: (so we'll just sing it for them)
[ Tab from: ]
--222--9-9---999--7-7---777--2-2---222--2-2---| x2
 after the second time just play the last chord in countinuous eighth notes,
then it leads into the chorus

Chourus: (its the greatest thing)
it might be a little off, so post corrections

when you repeat, play to the dollar sign then go to the tab below it.

------------7~ 777777-5-5-55x--0~000000---------------|


then play the verse
then th chorus.
then after the chorus, the rythym guitar will continue playing the verse chords but in a 
style, while the other guitar plays the solo.


chorus to the end.
thank you and please comment!
How to play Pas De Cheval