Red Hot Chili Peppers - Adventures Of Raindance Maggy Chords & Tabs


Adventures Of Raindance Maggy Chords & Tabs

Red Hot Chili Peppers Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Bass Tab

Adventures Of Raindance Maggy Bass Tab

My first tab :)

Enjoy the new song of the Red Hot Chili Peppers on bass :D

[ Tab from: ]
|------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------|
8 times

|------10--10--------x 10--------10------x7-7----x7----7--------------------------------|

|-------------5---- 5---5-----------4-----4---4-----------------------------------------|
2 times

after this:
Verse:  2 times
Chorus: 1 time
Verse:  4 times
Chorus: 2 times
Verse:  8 times
How to play Adventures Of Raindance Maggy