Robin N Looza - Bhool Ma Bhulyo Chords & Tabs


Bhool Ma Bhulyo Chords & Tabs

Robin N Looza Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Bhool Ma Bhulyo Tab

  Title : Bhool ma bhulyo               Key: X - Dead note
  Artist: Robin 'N' Looza                    h - Hammer on
  Tuning: E A D G B e ( Standard )           p - Pull off
                                             ~ - Blend
                                             / - Slide

Intro: with a clean guitar...

   (Repeat this all over the verses and remember that there is no clean guitar in solo.)

(there is clean guitar played bit different and that is)

  laajle maile....              maaf mage......

   k garna.....                 saakthe.......

  sodhyo malai.......           unle ulta.....                      nepali cha ki cha na...

(i hope you know the lines similar with these chords)

(distorted guitar: This part is same all over....... both the clean guitar and distorted 
are played
together with the verses )

 verse 1:

  vhate maile shiva ji..............

laajle maile maaf mage...


k garna sakthe........


sothyo malai une ulta     Nepali cha ki chai na......


(repeat the chords of verse again....)

Verse 2:

dule hami derali.....

aagi pachi kureni .....


khojadi aako dharma.....

lagyo hamro baba gi lai....


united states ma......


                      shivale patuna sakena....

                      shodyo ke bhayo mero tayag....

                      yo dutako jeevan hera....

Bhool ma bhulyo


hamro man.......



(backing rythm of distorted guitar, when solo is played....)

(repeat this 8 times..... with solo. Heres the SOLO 1)





[ Tab from: ]



( As the solo 1 ends play these chords)
pre verse :



( And again the same chords with last verse )

Verse 3:

  vhate maile siddartha...................

 maile vhane hami bhulyo......


jhukyo hamro dharma........


aajkal hami pooja garcha   aafno lagi matar......


                     Buddhale pattyauna sakena....

                     shodyo k vhayo mero gyan....

                     yo dutako jeevan hera.....

Bhool ma bhulyo


hamro man.......


(The last solo is like this)

(Play the last solo with the same chords which are played in all verse)

solo 2 ( it's bit slidy )








(Hope you all enjoy this..)

Here is the lyrics (not 100% accurate lyrics)

Vhete mai le shiva ji
pasupa ti ja da ban yo
vasan di na aa ka ho ina
kebha yo des ma
lajle mai le maf ma ge
k gar na sak the
sod yo mal ai un le ulta
Nepa li cha ki chai na

e ha mi deu ra li
sita ko pai la ma
bhe te shiva ko che la ha ru
pipal bot ko fed ma
aaghi pa chhi kuireni
khos dai aa ko dharma
lagyo ham ro ba ba ji lai
united sta tes ma
sivale pat ya u na sa ke na
sodyo ke bha yo me ro tayag
yo duta ko jeevan hera
bhool ma bul yo hamro mann

bhe te mai le sida r tha
lum bi ni ja da ban yo
va san di nu aa ka hoi na
k bha yo des ma
mai le bha ne ha mi bhool you
juk yo ha ro dhar ma
aaj kaal ha mi pu ja gar cha
aaf no la gi maaa tra
bud dha le pat yau na sa ke na
sod yo ke bha yo me ro pyar
ja til ta ko ji van he ra
bhul ma bul yo ham ro mann