Running Wild - Pirate Song Chords & Tabs


Pirate Song Chords & Tabs

Running Wild Chords & Tabs

Version: 3 Type: Tab

Pirate Song Tab

Running Wild - "Pirate Song"
From the album - "The Brotherhood"

Tabbed by Viktor Åsbrink, Sweden

This is a fairly easy but incredible song, i'd recommend it to anyone simply because of
melody bit.

The timing is a bit tricky to show on the tablature but listen to the song and i'm sure
get it.

Standard Tuning



Guitar 2 with the melody:
[ Tab from: ]




I haven't figured out how to play the solo... i'm still a pretty new guitarist, anyway
can play this if you can't find the solo elsewhere

Solo Part:

Melody - 2x
Verse  - 4x
Melody - 1x
Verse  - 2x
PC     - 2x
Chorus - 1x
Verse  - 2x
PC     - 1x
Solo   - 4x
Chorus - 1x
Verse  - 2x
PC     - 1x
Chorus - 2x

Good luck learning!
How to play Pirate Song