One of my favourite Sam Cooke songs. This is my interpretation of the song and I play it
with a similar strumming technique to that on Wonderful World, also by Sam Cooke.
I play it with the capo on the 3rd, but that's just because I like singing it at that pitch.
Any suggestions for change are welcomed! Otherwise, enjoy. The song isn't too difficult
and an absolute belter to sing along too.
SD x
Intro: G Em7 X2
G Em7
Sugar dumpling, you're my baby
Cadd9 G
I love you in every way
Sugar dumpling, you're my baby
Cadd9 G
My love grows stronger everyday, yeah
G Em7
Listen, while I tell you a story
G Em7
A story about my girl
G Em7
I call her sugar dumpling
G Em7
Because she's the sweetest thing in this whole world
[ Tab from: ]
G Em7
Oh, whenever I'm feeling bad
G Em7
Right away she puts me to bed
G Cadd9
And she hires two nurses, one to hold my hand
The other one to rub my head
G Em7
Oh, whenever I tell her, "Honey I'm hungry"
G Em7
Now go and fix me something to eat
G Em7
This girl rushes in the kitchen and fixes me a dinner
G Em7
With seven different kinds of meat
G Em7
If I call her up at two o'clock in the morning
G Em7
And say, "Come on over if you can"
G Cadd9
Before I hang up the telephone, she's sitting beside me
With a cup of coffee in her hand