Sum 41 - All Messed Up Chords & Tabs


All Messed Up Chords & Tabs

Sum 41 Chords & Tabs

Version: 3 Type: Tab

All Messed Up Tab

/= Slide
* = Palm muted

|--------------444-------------------------------     x2

on second time launch into verse with


|-------------------------                --------------------------
|-------------------------                --------------------------
|------------4444444------                --------------------------
|--77--22----4444444------   x3           |77--22--4444444444444444- 
|--77--22----2222222------                |77--22--4444444444444444- 
|--55--00-----------------                |55--00--2222222222222222- 

[ Tab from: ]
|--22--77--444444--222222--777777--4444444--22222-44    x2 

Repeat Intro Once

Verse 2 is the same chords just palm muted at times (listen for timings)

Repeat chorus but when you reach last note do this…
|-----------                 ---------------
|-----------                 ---------------
|--22222----                 --------------- 
|--22222-44-     x2          --444444444444- 
|--00000-44-                 --444444444444-
|--------22-                 --222222222222- 

“well I’ll hold my only enemy….

|---------------------------------     ---------------------------------------- 
|---------------------------------     -----------------------------------------
|--999999--666666----------444444-     -22--444444-22--444444-22444444444444444
|--999999--666666--777777--444444-  x4 -22--444444-22--444444-22444444444444444
|--777777--444444--777777--222222-     -00--222222-00--222222-00222222222222222-
|------------------555555---------     -----------------------------------------

|--44-2---44----2—---44-2--44-2-4-   x4

Then pick slide last not into verse then repeat verse pattern and chorus.

Finish off with intro x2
How to play All Messed Up