Super Furry Animals - Receptacle For The Respectable Chords & Tabs


Receptacle For The Respectable Chords & Tabs

Super Furry Animals Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Receptacle For The Respectable Chords

SONG:  Receptacle for the Respectable
ALBUM: Rings around the World
BAND:  Super Furry Animals

>>PART 1:

F#                        Bbm                                   E          B         
          It took a long time for me to get over   -    your incredible ways

F#                       Bbm                                       E                    B   
          And now I'm minded to wipe out the memory  -   of the way you behaved 

Bbm                  A            C#m                   F#               F# / G#  to F#
         You're a recepticle  -   for the respectable

>>PART 2:

F#                     Bbm                                           E              B
         I took some time out to study your actions  -   of how you painted towns red

F#                     Bbm                                       E            B
        And if my worse fears came to fruition  -   i'm sure you'd leave us all dead

Bbm                     A               C#m                F#                   F# / G#  to  F#
          I was so gullible  -   but now I'm cynical

>>PART 3:
[ Tab from: ]
Bah bah bah bit. 
F#        Bbm      E          B

F#        Bbm      E          B

Bbm                   A                    C#m            F#        F# / G#  to  F#
        We're all sucseptable   -    to the Incredible

>>PART 4:

F#      G#      B       E        F       x2
tell me, tell me, tell me again part (don't know lyrics) 

F#     G#      B       E        F        x2
Ooh oh oh...etc

>>PART 5:

 F#                               C#                            E                          B
       Welcome as a storm cloud in the late December gloom
F#                              C#                          E                               B                                                      G#     C#
       Subtle as a nail bomb in the head  you came to me in peace  and left me in pieces.

>>PART 6:


F#            C#            E              B

F#            C#            E              B           G#     C#

>>PART 7:

(Growly bit)

Recepticle for the respectable etc

Craig McKibbin (
You've got to love Paul McCartney's influence.
How to play Receptacle For The Respectable