Tegan And Sara - Sentimental Tune Chords & Tabs


Sentimental Tune Chords & Tabs

Tegan And Sara Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Sentimental Tune Chords

Capo 4
Standard Tuning
..and away we go.

G                    D  C                   G
You in a simple gray coat in a simple white room (oh)

D               C                G
Now you know you know it now and so

D               C 
Now you know you know it now

G                  D      C  
You hate the tenderhearted torch song

G                       D        C                G
You catch a flame to my sentiment, my sentimental tune (oh)

D               C                G 
Now you know you know it now and so

D                C  
Now you know you know it now

Em                D                     C  
Hard-hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight

Em        D          C                                Em 
Unnerved, the nerve, you're nervous, nervous that I'm right

Em                D                      C
Hard hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight

Em        D          C                                G 
Unnerved, the nerve, you're nervous, nervous that I'm right

G                       D        C      G           
Now with your cause and affection on my mind
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/t/tegan_and_sara/sentimental_tune_crd.html ]
G                   D      C         G
I won't yield throw caution into the blaze (oh)

D                C               G          
Now you know you know it now and so

D                C          
Now you know you know it now

G                   D       C                    G
Watch with a bit of friction, I'll be under your clothes

G             D    C                    G
With a bit of focus, I'll be under your skin (oh)

D                C               G
Now you know you know it now and so

D                C            
Now you know you know it now

Em                D                     C
Hard-hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight

Em        D          C                            Em
Unnerved, the nerve, you're nervous, nervous that I'm right

Em                D                     C
Hard-hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight

Em        D          C                            G
Unnerved, the nerve, you're nervous, nervous that I'm right

G   D               C                G       
Oh, now you know you know it now and so

D                C     
Now you know you know it now

G   D            C                   G
Oh, now you know you know it now and so

D                C        
Now you know you know it now
How to play Sentimental Tune