The Red Chord - Dread Prevailed Chords & Tabs


Dread Prevailed Chords & Tabs

The Red Chord Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Dread Prevailed Tab

Okay, b4 u attempt the tab just know one thing, I'm only 14 years old... People have 
begging 4 some1 2 tab this song so I listened in very carefully (to the point where my Zune 
attempted to tab the intro. This is what I've got so far.

Standard Tuning
P.S. If anybody looked at the

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[ Tab from: ]
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The part after this where Gunface Mackenzie goes all over the place hurts my brain, :)
sorry I can't tab the rest, but when I get it all I'll put it in here.

Remember, only 14 years old so it's probably not COMPLETELY

My next tablature that I'm planning on tablaturing (he-he) is

See You Next Tuesday
by my favorite band EVER!!

The Acacia Strain

Well... this is all I gotss. I'm pretty sure this is right.
Thanks 4 taking the time to try it.
Plz leave comments.