Thrice - The Sky Is Falling Chords & Tabs


The Sky Is Falling Chords & Tabs

Thrice Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

The Sky Is Falling Tab

The Sky Is Falling
Artist: Thrice
Album: The Alchemy Index, Disk 3: Wind

Notes: I've been unable to find a TAB of this song so... yeah. Transcribed entierly by 
Work out the picking/strumming and note lengths or yourself, this is very rough.

c = Continuous tremalo picking
p = pull-off

Tuning: 1 Step Down (Low to High: D G C F A D)

Intro, part 1
  Gtr I
| Gtr II

Intro, part 2
  Gtr II                                     x9

  Gtr II                                      x13
[ Tab from: ]
  Gtr I
| Gtr II (all staccato notes)

Repeat Verse
Repeat Chorus

  Gtr I
| Gtr II (again, staccato)
  Gtr I
How to play The Sky Is Falling