Thrice - Trust Acoustic Chords & Tabs


Trust Acoustic Chords & Tabs

Thrice Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Trust Acoustic Tab

hey im brandon im 14 and ok well this song is played acoustic by thrice but is kinda 
so i made my own version so all you guys can say u made it up urself and sound cool haha.  
tell me what you guys think by commenting or emailing me at

Standard EADGBe tuning
Acoustic Guitar

/ = slide
h = hammer on
p = pull off
* = Side note
~ = let ring
" " = parts of lyrics (so you know when to play certain things

Intro * I prefer to all the intro except for  \/\/\/\/ that part


* you do not have to play the E-1 note it just harmonizes it better
but if u do use it play it with ur thumb




(Verse 1)
---2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3-|       X2

(Chorus) * use ryhthm used in real version
[ Tab from: ]


 "any speed you drive...could be dangerous"

(Verse 2)

                                 "can mean...when this"

"frame fails me....will I trust................. I Know"

"theres no..........but I know................will I"

" I trust....................through"

                  "will I I know"

"what a promise"
How to play Trust Acoustic