Tragically Hip - Vapour Trails Chords & Tabs


Vapour Trails Chords & Tabs

Tragically Hip Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Vapour Trails Chords

One of my favorite Hip songs, I didn't see any attempts at it so I thought I'd give it a
try. I love Gord Downie's lyrics, full of imagery especially in this one. I played it
along with the recording to figure it out. This is a simple chord/vocal tab for the
song, I play it on acoustic and it sounds great. The spelling of "Vapour" is not a 
mistake, its
Canadian. I always try to get the chord changes in the right place in my tabs. The Hip
are often a little tricky with chord changes, with slight variations in a progression,
usually at the end of the song (like "Nautical Disaster"), so watch for the different 
chords in the outro. It also adds to the song if you strum the verses softly, and a heavier
accent the chorus and bridge parts. Gord's lyrics and vocals can be tricky on the
timing, but if you listen to the song and read along closely, you can figure it out. Enjoy!

[Intro: Strum [ch]F#/A[/ch] 4x over drum part]

F#           A             F#                    A           F#
Titillations been interstate brickface & Coffemate
F#       A                   F#               A    F#
And by a list of phone calls, you’ll like to make
F#                         A                F#
Where you could sit on the edge of your bed
F#                    A                  F#
And you could stare into your own shoes
F#          A                   F#       A
And in the pools of light there, go wherever you choose

A             E            F#
Just rig up a complication, and if it derails
        A                      E                     F#
You can throw away the rudder, float away like Vapour Trails

[Interlude: F# - A, like intro, only 2x]
[ Tab from: ]
F#                  A             F#          A            F#
There’s nothin funnier than pride, in an utterly confident stride
F#              A           F#             A      F#
So I pulled the car on over, to give you a ride
F#            A                  F#                    A               F#
Damn this sleepy weather he said, as he marched in soppin’ wet shoes
F#                 A         F#                        A
Through rainpools evaporatin’, says in this sign I’ll conquer you

A            E           F#
I pulled the car on over, to give you a ride
     A                  E                         F#
But there’s nothin’ uglier than a man hittin’ his stride

[Interlude: F# - E] x 2

     D                       A                           D
Past Mexicans all dressed in beige shirts, leanin’ over their hoes
D                A                           D          A
Now the mornin’s over, it’s time to let them sprinklers hose

[Interlude: F# - A, like intro, 4x]


F#                   A                      F#
Past hills of chambermaids’ dark bare arms
F#                            A           F#
And fields of muscles quilted to the bone
F#             A          F#                 A           F#
Right now I’m flyin’ over, Ya right now I’m flyin’ home
F#                     A              F#
Where I can sit on the end of my bed
F#                A               F#
And I can stare into my own shoes
F#         A                    F#        A
And in the pools of light years, go wherever I choose

A                          E                     F#
And throw away the rudder, float away on Vapour Trails....
A              E           F#
I rigged up a complication, totally derailed
     D                       A                     F#
So I throw away the rudder, float away like Vapour Trails....
D            A                    C#m                         B
I pulled the car on over... (It’s time to let them sprinklers hose)

[F# - E] x 8 or so over vocal ad lib / end solo:

Woo…Woooo…Woooo - Throw away the rudder!
How to play Vapour Trails