Tsunami Bomb - 5150 Chords & Tabs


5150 Chords & Tabs

Tsunami Bomb Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Tab

5150 Tab

#-- File created with Instab - http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html --#

Author/Artist: tsunami bomb
Title: 5150
Album: the definitive act
Transcribed by: paul

i am very sorry for a confusing looking tab, all the notes are there, just need to 
out where they go :D



[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/t/tsunami_bomb/5150_tab_ver_2.html ]
   verse  x2                2nd part of versew (arr for 1 guitar)


   chorus     (not sure bout the 9's on 1st chord of chorus)

     do verse and chorus again then        heavy bit x 4

                            then just repeat the other bits to end!
How to play 5150