Vandenberg - Burning Heart Chords & Tabs


Burning Heart Chords & Tabs

Vandenberg Chords & Tabs

Version: 5 Type: Tab

Burning Heart Tab

Song: Burning Heart
Artist: Vandenberg
Album: Vandenberg

Tabbed by: Lun Hangsing
Mail me at:

        I have been looking around the net for free tab of the
interlude that plays right before the solo and i could not find any.
Its rather confusing as there are about a million guitars playing at
once. so, here it is.
        As for the solo, i think there are plenty around though not
accurate, they are okay.


Guitar 1

Guitar II

Guitar III

Guitar IV

Guitar V (Lead Distortion)

[ Tab from: ]
Guitar 1,2,3&4

Guitar V (Lead Distortion)
|------- ------13----12-13-12-------13-12-13----------------------------|

Guitar I
Guitar II

Guitar III

Guitar IV

Guitar V (Lead)                                  ______

Solo Starts