We Came As Romans - Broken Statues Intro Chords & Tabs


Broken Statues Intro Chords & Tabs

We Came As Romans Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Tab

Broken Statues Intro Tab

Well this is all I got so far, so if you know more type it up!

Guitar 1 00:17
|----------------------------------------------------------| x4
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/w/we_came_as_romans/broken_statues_intro_tab_ver_2.html ]
|----------------------------------------------------------| x4

Guitar 2 00:17
|--------14-14-15-12--12-14-10--10-12-8--------------------| x4

Guitar 2 also plays the second part, but only the last 2 plays....
in other words if you are listening to this song, guitar 1 plays 
the second part at 00:31, then the 2nd comes in the 3rd time 
you play it or at 00:38.
How to play Broken Statues Intro